OK, so you know all those email forwards that you get...you know the one about how the woman says one thing, but in reality this is what she's really saying?? And it puts you to shame because you SO do those things even if you would NEVER admit it to your husband...Come on! I cant be the ONLY one...oh alright, fine. Here's my story...
Mr. S and I started dating end of January/ beginning of February 2007. We had just missed Christmas. By the time December 2007 came around, we were engaged and heavily involved in making wedding preparations. Meaning: We had been spending a lot of money. Too much money. Shameful in fact. I'm mad for not having saved some of that money. But hindsight is 20/20, we were really excited to be planning(and by we, I mean I..), etc etc.
So we are Christmas shopping, taking care of our families, and here comes THE QUESTION. "Mrs. S, what do you want for Christmas this year?" And trying to think as I am paying way too much money at Costco (like always), I say "Mr. S, you know, we have really spent so much money on the wedding and for other people, let's not worry about it. Don't get me anything, I have everything that I need anyway." Did I really mean that?? Well I thought so. I meant it when I said it. HOWEVER, let me give you some background info on Mr S. The boy is thoughtful. Thoughtful to the point of ridiculousity. And yes, that is a word. Kimora uses it. Anyway, I mean the first present he ever got me, before we had ever even been on a date, before we'd barely talked, was a gorgeous diamond heart necklace from Kay Jewelers. It was beautiful, but I thought he was nuts. He's the guy that brings home flowers just because or goes and picks up my favorite pint of ice cream because I've had a bad day.
So of course, I am thinking--unfairly to him--that he'll still take care of it anyway. Don't worry, lesson learned.
So Christmas Eve comes around. We are at my Grandma's house in Virginia and I am wrapping presents before everyone gets there. I tell him he needs to leave because I am wrapping his presents. "What? What presents? Why did you buy me presents? I didn't think we were doing presents!!" To which I replied, "Why wouldn't we?" To which he replied, "Because you said so!" To which I replied, "Mr. S, why in the WORLD would you pick Christmas of all times to start listening to me??? You didn't get me anything? (Shakes his head) I can not believe that. Good grief."
So we are driving home to South Carolina that same night so that we can be home in the morning to be at my Dad's for Christmas morning with his family. We stop at a BP gas station. Mr S is in there FOREVER! I was thinking what in the world, is the boy sick? Oh NO. He comes out holding this HUGE BP gift bag looking thing. I didn't even know they had anything more than a regular plastic bag!
He got me a Christmas Present! A few actually. One was a little crystal plaque that said "I Love My Wife" with a rose on it. The second one is this:
A little snow globe tree that changes colors!
To which of course I replied, "why in the world did you spend money on that? I told you it was not that big of a deal!"
Crazy boy, he said, "Because I love you."
And that ladies and gentlemen, is why I have no idea why Mr. S loves me. Through all my impatience, my craziness, and irrationality, he loves me. I will always keep that little Christmas tree snow globe. It is by far my favorite present he has ever given me.
We were laughing about this story the other day and I really wanted to be able to share it with you, it makes me laugh!!
This year, I will miss him so much. Though I love my family and I am so glad that I have someone to share Christmas with, it will not be the same. But I really appreciate everyone who has volunteered to send Mr. S a Christmas Card. I know it will truly light up his holiday and bring him some cheer. Thank you all SO much for your support and willingness to do this for our family! Merry Christmas!!!
2 days ago
What a sweet and funny story! I told Jason not to bother this year but since I did for him, I will be bothered (haha) if he doesn't at least get something for me. Irrational, I know.
I got your card today and it is lovely! Thank you so much! My husband said - oh, that's the girl from the blog.... LOL. Funny the way he actually listens sometimes and not others...
Aaaww! That is so dadgum sweet! I sure hope God plants a man that thoughtful and loving in my life, and soon!
I love little gifts like that, spur of the moment I mean.
Hi Stephanie ~ what a wonderful story. I'm so glad you shared it with us! It's so great to have someone in our lives that means so much to us.
how sweet...I am so praying that he comes home to you soon. What happened? Can you send me the info? I am so interested in this story...
and you are so lucky to have found someone that loves you like Sidnei does!
That's too sweet :)
I know I've definitely done that to my poor hubby before.
Yeah that whole reverse psychology thing sometimes bites us in the bootay.
Wish I could give you a hug my friend. I know it's hard. Much love to you. And if you need to talk... well you know.
I told my husband not to get me a present years ago and I haven't received another one since. I actually had to ask for us to each give each other something silver for our 25th wedding anniversary. I think I ruined gift giving when I said it to him so long ago, so I'm glad he gave you this tree that you cherish!! He sounds like such a keeper!
That's awesome! I have a really great hubby who is always doing sweet things for me.
I'm so sorry that you guys are missing Christmas together! My hubs might be offshore on Christmas Day - so he could miss Carter's first Christmas.
Hope Sidnei makes it home soon!
Still praying...
This story is classic, I love it!! I can see you saying that to him in my head right now, when he said he didn't get you a present. That is my Stephticles ha ha That snow globe is precious!
That is so sweet :)
My hubby is the exact same way!
Sounds like your guys relationship is somewhat like mine and hubbys. We met in February 2007, engaged in September 2007 and married in February 2008. He wanted to marry by December 2007, but I didn't want my anniversary near Christmas or New Years.
It sounds as if Sidnei is fabulous! Love the snowglobe tree.
He sounds very sweet. I found your blog (somehow? I don't know who I clicked here from...) and love your pictures. I'm from South Carolina, too. South America now.... :)
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