Thursday, October 6, 2011

The country…Part II


I am always amazed to see all the fruit in the “wild” I sound as ridiculous as I feel?? The extent of my fruit growing were strawberries, watermelon, tomatoes…and that was pretty much it.


Bananas (my favorite!)

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Avocado! Which we eat here with sugar, and it is delcious…though nothing beats a good guacamole dip! So if you are feeling adventurous, blend an avocado, banana, milk, sugar, and ice together, and have a tasty drink!

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Limes! Another favorite! And the tree too!

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Acerola (with bugs)…Acerola is a bittersweet fruit (for me)

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This plant has colored seeds inside of it. Here people use it in the food to give it “color”

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If you can see, that is a Caju fruit. It is where you get your cashew nuts. Not a big fan of caji, but will drink it when im out!

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Graviola (or in English soursop…what in the world??)

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Bobrina (like a squash! one of my favorite vegetalbes here)

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rach said...

all of those vegtables look weird and gross. and you like some of them? this is the girl who couldn't eat corn??? consider me shocked. lol

Unknown said...

Thanks for teaching me where the 'color' comes form!

Anonymous said...

I didn't used to like avocado... until one day when my friends made me a vitamina de abacate. At first I thought "No way, a VEGETABLE MILKSHAKE? That sounds disgusting." Then I tried it and was an instant convert!