Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Kick in the pants

I have lived in Brazil for almost 3 years at the end of May. I thought I was doing good. I thought I learned most of what I needed to, I thought I had been through all the hazing of Brazil that needed to be done. However, Brazil was not done with me.

I have been lovingly bestowed, body aches, head ache, fever, nausea, since Friday night. Better known to many of you as Dengue. Dengue is a big ol kick in the pants. It throws you down on the ground and you better not even think about getting up. Mostly because you can't. I'm down and out for the count. Or at least until tomorrow when my atestado (medical leave from work) is up.

Originally, it all started Friday night with a raging fever. I didn't know where it came from...I had mistakenly gotten burned...I thought I was experiencing heat exhaustion. But it continued all day Saturday. So I went to the hospital. The doctor did an x-ray of my chest (I've had a cough for a little while) and told me it was just a virus and I should feel better by the end of the weekend. Except I didn't. And I kept having fevers. And my whole body was hurting. And the headaches. And the nausea. Nausea is awful. But I went to work on Monday anyway. And worked from 8 in the morning to 7 at night. It kicked my trash. I slept from 8 pm that night until 6 the next morning. And then cried when I had to get out of bed. But I still went to work. When I came out of my classroom at 11:30, the secretary looked at me and said, what is all over your neck?? That would be a pretty little rash developing from the dengue. So finally they convinced me to go to the hospital. So I went. And waited for a long, long, long time. To tell me I have dengue. The great thing about dengue is there is not a thing you can do about it. So, take some tylenol, lay down, and rest. Try to keep the fever down.

Thankfully I will only have to work one more day. Then I will have Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday to rest. Thank goodness for Tuesday holidays in Brazil.  (if it falls on a Tuesday, you get Monday off. if it falls on a Thursday you get Friday off. It's great!)

Monday, April 16, 2012


Just thought I'd share what we've been up to the last little while ...

Soccer game with the husband...Ipatinga is not so popular now that they have dropped to Serie C...we still like to go every once in a while!

Rachael, we finally got around to using those Christmas Crackers..Sidnei loved them!!
We went to a birthday party and got to catch up with good friends!
Handsome husband

One of my favorite students at school, sweetest girl!!
My niece, excited to go for a bike ride!
She doesn't look as excited here, but she was happy to be with Tio!

I got to finally see my friend and her new baby! Look how cute!! She is growing all the time!
I love that she is looking at me like,"what are you doing? and who are you? and i think it's time to put me down!" Cecilia, Tia Stephanie loves you and will be back soon for more cuddles!!

It's been fun around these parts. Stay Tuned more coming up!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

My new best friend

I brought this baby with me from the US. It's super heavy, super duty, and gets the job done much quicker. And I've only burned myself once! And since laundry day was yesterday, the time has come for him and I to begin our work. Excuse me while I go plug his pretty little self in.

Friday, April 13, 2012

All the beauty nature holds...

When we spent the weekend at Iapu, I spent the weekend looking at all the beautiful birds and flowers around the Club. It was so amazing and they were so beautiful! 

These little canaries are everywhere! Their bright vibrant colors are so beautiful!

I saw a parrot for the first time in the wild!! I was so excited! The funny thing, he was mimicking the canaries song!

This guy stayed by the water ALL DAY hunting for fish. He was pretty successful!

Can you see the humming bird? They are so tiny and quick!

This little bird is called 'bom te ver' I think or 'bem te vi' I dont know something like that. (Danielle, help?) In essence, it means, good to see you. I think he is so handsome with his white mask!
It was a lot of fun taking pictures of everything. There were so many more birds that I just couldn't get good pictures of. It's so amazing to me how many different species there are and how beautiful they can be! 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

4th Anniversary weekend in Iapu

Sidnei and I celebrated our 4th anniversary at the beginning of March! I can't believe it's been 4 years already...
Anyway this year we decided to have a little get away trip just the two of us. We went a little ways outside the city to Ipau Country Club. It was really beautiful and relaxing! It was quiet, there weren't a lot of people, and the weather was gorgeous! I got tons of reading in while Sidnei got to fish. I took tons of pictures. Enjoy!
One of the things I really love about Brazil is the blue sky and the puffy white clouds!

This is the chalet we rented to stay in. Very simple and tiny, but perfect for what we were doing!

My fisherman

FINALLY after fishing ALL DAY, he caught a 2.6 kilo fish.

We ate him for lunch the next was way too much fish, but it was really good!

Here's hoping to many, many more years! Life has taken us to some crazy places, but I'm blessed to have Sidnei by my side! Love that man!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Super Professional

It is always nice when you are rewarded for hard work. At the beginning of each semester the school generally has a dinner and recognizes key people from the last semester. It also introduces the newbies, has some kind of inspirational message to pump us up for the next semester, and of course, there is always food. (My personal favorite. Of course.)

I don't know if I have said much about the school I work for. I really love it. I love the people I work with and I love what I do. The past year I have focused on teaching kids, ages 7-9. I really love it. I love working with them, teaching them, answering their thousands of questions. I love how completely, recklessly honest they are. For instance, they often tell me I'm beautiful. And I love that and I believe them. Because if there is a day when I am not beautiful, they do not hesitate to tell me. Or if my hair looks funny. Or if I smell good. (thankfully they've never told me I smell bad) Of course one of their favorite topics of conversation is how white I am. (There are many colors of the rainbow here, many shades of white. However, my particular shade of translucent, is rare. And therefore quite the conversation topic among my students...or strangers...or anyone really). Anyway my job has without a doubt changed my life here in Brazil. I think without it, I wouldn't have survived. It gave me a purpose and it gave me a social life.

I was happy to be recognized for my work done with the kids over the last semester. They gave a little speech and I received a basket from the infamous Cacau Show. Cacau Show is a Brazilian chocolate store with many too many truffles and goodies to try. It is super rich and so I only get it every once in a while. This basket just about did me in. And of course my "Super Profissional" coffee mug :)