Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Super Professional

It is always nice when you are rewarded for hard work. At the beginning of each semester the school generally has a dinner and recognizes key people from the last semester. It also introduces the newbies, has some kind of inspirational message to pump us up for the next semester, and of course, there is always food. (My personal favorite. Of course.)

I don't know if I have said much about the school I work for. I really love it. I love the people I work with and I love what I do. The past year I have focused on teaching kids, ages 7-9. I really love it. I love working with them, teaching them, answering their thousands of questions. I love how completely, recklessly honest they are. For instance, they often tell me I'm beautiful. And I love that and I believe them. Because if there is a day when I am not beautiful, they do not hesitate to tell me. Or if my hair looks funny. Or if I smell good. (thankfully they've never told me I smell bad) Of course one of their favorite topics of conversation is how white I am. (There are many colors of the rainbow here, many shades of white. However, my particular shade of translucent, is rare. And therefore quite the conversation topic among my students...or strangers...or anyone really). Anyway my job has without a doubt changed my life here in Brazil. I think without it, I wouldn't have survived. It gave me a purpose and it gave me a social life.

I was happy to be recognized for my work done with the kids over the last semester. They gave a little speech and I received a basket from the infamous Cacau Show. Cacau Show is a Brazilian chocolate store with many too many truffles and goodies to try. It is super rich and so I only get it every once in a while. This basket just about did me in. And of course my "Super Profissional" coffee mug :) 


Lin said...

Congratulations, the mug is super cute!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! I have no doubt that you make a huge difference in the lives of those kids.

Lisa Q