Things have been crazy busy lately. School has really got me running day in and day out. Thankfully things seem to be slowing a little. My private Saturday class is heading off to the U.S. so I officially have my Saturdays back! Hooray! I have been doing some marketing for my job by going to other schools and playing with the kids in English. It has really been fun, but time consuming. I leave the house every day at 7 AM and generally arrive home between 8pm and 9pm. They make for VERY long days. Unfortunately, this has left very little time for ME.
I am definitely feeling this void. So this week I decided to try and change my schedule at work a little bit. I’m going to go in a little later on Tuesdays/Thursdays so I can get back to my exercise class! I have really missed it…and so has my body. I haven’t gained any weight…but my clothes fit different now. Not that things have ever been very firm, but I feel more jiggle. I don’t like it. SO, back I go. In reality, I have really missed it. There are days when it is pure torture to get out of bed and go. But I seem to always feel better for it. So here we go…again.
Another thing I decided I needed was something besides work. I literally have just been working. As you all have noticed, I don’t even have time to blog. I don’t have time for anything. And that is just ridiculous. Though admittedly, I spend WAY too much time on Pinterest. (more on that later)
SO, I have decided to start working on some things. One thing I have been meaning to do for a long time is start on my own program for children to learn English. I have been thinking about starting some private groups. But first, I need to build a curriculum. But that is still along the work lines, but something I have been wanting to do.
The second is a hobby. I real live hobby. I want to start making jewelry. In fact, I started today! I will take pictures and show you soon. It is costume jewelry. Something that I have always really loved to use. So everything I make, I want to keep for me. But this hobby is an expensive one, so to keep up the habit, I need to sell too! Wish me luck!
Tuesday I will start the torture again (aerobics class). I only say torture because the next couple of days, I will be groaning with every single movement I make. I will be so sore I will not be able to think of anything else. Wish me luck!