I've decided to post an installment of sorts..when I come across them, feel like it, etc...
I just can not understand why it is so hard to form a single file line. It is IMPOSSIBLE here. It doesn't matter if you are at the supermarket, the bank, gym class, it is impossibly impossible. For me it doesn't even need to be single file! Some kind of control or order would even be fine. But there is cutting, pushing, switching..it drives me crazy.
Case in point today at aerobics class....
We have to go get our mats, weights, ankle weights etc. They are all stacked on a shelf. Instead of forming some sort of organizational line or system, everyone rushes to the front, hands are everywhere, things are dropping, it is a ridiculous free for all that takes about 5 minutes longer than it should because of all the pushing to get to the front, the cutting.
It seriously drives me bananas.
4 hours ago
Welcome to South America
:) BG
Chalk that up as one more cultural difference, I guess. I laughed at your comment the other day- as I was commenting on your post I started to think "Hmmm- maybe the seasons are totally reverse there..." which you confirmed!
Yep. That would drive me nuts. Like the 6 check yourself out isles at Kroger. Wait... I mean self serve check outs... not like there's a mirror there and you just look at yourself while you're buying your groceries. At any rate... there's no order to it and people walk up and take a place in FRONT of you and suddenly I'm back in 2nd grade and Aaron Treon has budged in front of me in line and I want to raise my hand and say "TEACHER HE BUDGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
That is serious craziness..and something you would never think would be hard to do.
want some good quality line standing?? come over here- they are all about queing up. I think people here like to stand in line more than actual pleasurable things like concerts or movies. it drives me nuts and I feel like I'm the only one sick of queing!!
I was JUST gonna blog about how ridiculous it is that people here LINE UP for EVERYTHING! What are we in, opposite Brazil??
Ok, so we're all waiting to get onto an elevator, well that means we have to form a single file line. And if I'm randomly standing off to the side, I get death stares.
It's like that with the bus too, people form a line to get on if we're all waiting around a bus stop.
haha! So weird!
I hear you girl! I love how organized Americans are!!!
Hey Stephanie, thank you for your comment on my last post. I have faith that you will attend one of those ceremonies, I really do believe you will. Just hang in there. It's a long journey, just keep fighting and never give up. :)
If you were in São Paulo would be the same, if you were in Curitiba.... people would line uo for everything.
Hi Stephanie, I'm Amelia's stepmom (her mom sent me the link to your blog). I was on the phone with Amelia the other night and telling her about this post - she laughed and laughed! I can't wait to see all these culture differences for myself! Best wishes to you and your husband!
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