So I was going to start this post with, "Now, usually I try not to complain..." but seriously who am I kidding? I'm a complainer. You know it, I know it, I apologize for it. But can I just try to justify one of my complaints?
Let's talk about laundry. Honestly, laundry has never really bothered me. Except when I had to use the coin laundry. I really hated that. But for me, sort, throw it in the wash, come back later and switch. No biggie. Didn't even really mind putting it away. Of course, I was only doing my laundry, which I'm sure makes a big difference. Having a whole family to put things away for, find missing pieces, figuring out who's is who's, etc is probably where most of the despising of the laundry comes into play.
However, these days, I'm doing laundry pioneer style. Or at least that is what I tell myself. Lucky for me, I do have running water and well, that makes quite the difference.
This past week, I thought I would chronicle my laundry story for you to see.
Hey there. I am not really awake yet and it's a little cold because it's cloudy (and early). Luckily my Ipod keeps me company. Shall we start?
Step 1: Sort
Step 2: Scrub husband's work clothes. Because they get crazy dirty. (and truthfully I'd probably need to do this even using a modern day machine)
Step 3: Put clothes in tank. This tank only spins water. So in goes clothes with laundry detergent, spin.
Step 4: I didn't really get a step of this part, but there is a basin with 2 sinks (see step 2: scrubbing husband's clothes). These are filled with clean water. I remove clothes from tank, wring out water, put in clean water. Take out of clean water, wring again, put in clean water again. This is done to remove the soap. Here is me in front of the sink..caught off guard by my MIL. Don't worry, I do laundry outside in my pj's.
Step 5: After clothes are soap free, they go into a basin filled with water and fabric softner, where they soak for a little bit.
Step 6: This is my favorite. After the clothes soak, we use the washing machine to spin the water out of the clothes. Did you catch that? YES, we have a washing machine. In fact, we have a NICE washing machine. It is so pretty. So new looking. Because they don't use it. See for yourself:
Do you find yourself asking WHY?!?! For the love of pretty nails, moisturized skin, and extra time...WHY?!? Me too, my friends, me too.
My MIL and SIL say that the washing machines wear the clothes out too fast. I wouldn't know. I have had a friend say they are right, it wore her clothes out that she had had forever really fast. However, the majority of people here do use washing machines and they seem to feel it works just fine and their clothes are washed with no more wearing than normal. Any thoughts out there my Brazilian and Americans in Brazil friends?
Step 7: Hang clothes to dry. (I forgot to take a picture because I had to take a shower, eat, and run to work immeadiately after I hung them up)
This whole process takes me normally give or take 5 hours. A week's worth of clothes for myself and Sidnei including towels and sheets. This does not include the retrieving, the folding, or the ironing after all is said and done.
Honestly, it really is exhausting. My back and shoulders hurt because wet clothes are HEAVY. My hands hurt because of over exposure to water, the soap, and the wringing of clothes. I loathe the day I have to do laundry.
For this reason, I will love my washing machine. I will love him for all the work he will do and all the work I won't have to. I will love him because he will save me time and let me have pretty hands and manicures again. And don't feel sorry for me, this is a complaining post, but not a pity one. I have learned a LOT about clothes. Particularly about removing stains. Shout has got nothing on me as far as stain removal goes. So next time you are doing laundry, give your washing machine a little pat on the back (or wherever), we don't even realize just how much work they do!