But let me just build my defense a little.
I was caught completely off guard! I thought for SURE (since they told me so) that we would have some time to get Sidnei the proper documentation, get him some money, and provide him a way to Ipatinga.
So here I am, minding my own business, and WAM! He tells me he is leaving tomorrow at 7 AM, he has $31 to his name, and that is all! They will provide him some clothes to wear home (and not even his own at that! EW.) and after that, he's on his own. So not only am I wallowing in the fact that my husband is leaving (YES, I know he is going to be with his family, YES, I know he is going to be out of that place-- it's just difficult still, there is way too much emotion going on!), but I am now worried he is going to spend the night in the airport (that is if they'd even let him)or the street.
And my toe was REALLY hurting.
And I wrote that post directly after I found out.
Never a good idea, but I had nowhere else to go!
So I say to you all, forgive the psycho in me. She is back in her proper resting place now.
Since I raised such a big stink with all those Puerto Ricans down there, Sidnei was able to call me again at 2 PM. They told him if I could bring cash down to the jail, he would be allowed to have it for the way home! Now if ONLY Puerto Rico and South Carolina were closer together, this would be SO much easier!
Thankfully we work with a great guy named David, who used to live in Puerto Rico! He was able to call a friend, transfer the money (without having to use Western Union and their ridiculous fees!!), and drive it to Sidnei! The guy got to sit and talk with Sidnei for a little while! Seriously, I have the best support. I can not ask for someone better than David to help! God definitely looks out for us by the people he puts into our lives!!!
Also, I got Sidnei a calling card and I was able to give him the numbers so he can call as soon as he gets to Brazil!
And just do you know, I am SO excited that he gets to see his family again!!! I know he is going to be so happy to see them and I know his Mom can not WAIT!
So things are in place. I am feeling much better. Thank you for all your kind words!
The countdown is ON! 56 DAYS!