Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A little help if you please!

OK-- so I got an external hard drive to put all my pictures on. But let me ask you this... can I put my Itunes on it and just run itunes from there? I have no idea! Thank you to anyone who can answer this for me!!


Kori said...

I have no idea. But I love ya none the less. Hope someone comes along that can help answer this for you.

Lula! said...

Oh, dear...so sorry I can't help you with this.

Shannon said...

We did the same thing for our Mac... and when I say "we", I mean Shane. I'll have to ask him about the iTunes question, though. Seeing as he is currently asleep, I'll have to wait until morning to ask him! But I won't forget... and I'll send ya an email!

Rebecca said...

Yes you can. You'll have to redownload iTunes to your external hardrive.

I'm terrified that my laptop is going to crash at any minutes so I run EVERYTHING off my external hardrive. The only problem is that anything not loaded onto the C drive is reaallly slow! But I don't mind because when my computer dies, I won't lose a single thing.

I didn't want to redownload itunes to my external hardrive, so what I did was move everything from My Music over to the external. This means a lot of work, though. Once I moved everything over, I had to go into iTunes and manually tell iTunes where all my music moved to. If any of that is confusing, feel free to email at runningoutofideas at hotmail dot com

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

????I have no idea either!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I would think that you could...but it might be really slow.

But, doesn't an iPod act as an external drive, too? Couldn't you just use that?

April said...

I cannot help you with that one...sorry!

Laura Marchant said...

I would think yes because the Hubs put all my songs on our external.

Anonymous said...

No clue baby. I could ask your little chattin buddy when he gets home though. Are you digging lost or what? Widmore! On the island! Get the F*** outta here!

Carla said...

Yes you can. In fact I do that myself. However you will have to do the Itunes on your hardrive. Since my comp is a laptop I have this fear that it will break down in some strange place and I will forever loose my stuff . . . so I keep a hardrive for all of this dandy stuff.