Saturday, February 7, 2009


Or rather, this morning (2AM)...

I can't sleep.

I haven't spoken with Mr. S since Monday.

I miss him. I miss the little beat my heart skips when his ring comes on. I miss his voice. I miss complaining telling him about my day. I miss him telling me that it's only work and to stop stressing out.

I miss him telling me he misses me. I miss him speaking in Portuguese so fast I don't really catch anything everything, but knowing it is something sweet.

I just miss him.

I get so funky when I can't talk to him.

Jail is stupid.

What the heck happened to the sixth amendment people? This is freaking ridiculous. Drug dealers spend less time in jail than my husband.

If you will do me a little favor? Send some prayers up for us that we'll hear something this week. We need some good news. Thanks in advance! I know we are so close. I am trying really hard to be patient. Especially since I have no other choice.

SO, deep breath. Positive thoughts. LOTS of positive thoughts. And dreams of my husband. My warm, snuggly husband. **sigh**

Five for Fighting
I just love you

It's not about the Bones and Booth thing. But this song is good.


Kori said...


You know I love you and I am so glad we got to talk tonight.

Praying always!

kim said...

I'll be so happy when you're so busy with your hubs that you don't have time to blog.... *sigh* not that you're allowed to stay away forever :)
still sending up positive thoughts.. until the day he comes walking thru your door :)

Paula said...

Ahhh a little prayer for you and Mr. S I hope it is over soon

Ballerina Girl said...

agh, hang in there. I am praying that this will come to end soon!

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry honey!! This whole ordeal needs to be over now, this is ridiculous!!! You are in my prayers {as always}. I LOVE YOU! and so does Chris, Lola, and Cooper!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

Hang in there...sending up lots and lots of positive happy thoughts that he will be back home with you soon!

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

aww...girl I'm thinking of you!

Kerri said...

I've missed your posts lately! I will definitely pray for you guys. He's gotta be coming home soon and I can't wait for that post!

Vanessa Rogers said...

I love your new quote that you have on the side about the cavity and joy. It is such a good way to view this whole situation. I have good days and bad days as I am sure you do, but on the bad days it is always good to keep in mind thoughts such as your quote... soon this will be over and we will be able to look back and know that we are stronger because of what we have been through. Don't worry, you will soon have your hubby back in your arms to snuggle with.

ko said...

so sorry! I can not imagine what you are going through! IT IS AWFUL! I am so very sorry! I will pray for MR S & for you! read

1 peter 5:7


ko said...

ditto on the incarceration time!!!! Our justice system has a MAJOR problem!!!!!!! DISGUSTING! This is RIDICULOUS! SO SORRY!

Kelsey said...

Aww I'm sorry this week has been tough on you. It's sickening that drug dealers and real criminals spend less time in jail than Mr.S! I hope he gets to come home soon! Prayers for both of you!!

AndreaLeigh said...

I am so sorry. I will continue praying!

Kelli @ writing the waves said...

I'm so sorry, Stephanie. I am seriously bewildered by the whole thing. After all this is resolved...and it WILL guys should write a best-selling romance novel about all this. It's just all so crazy. I could see a story about this on Dateline or something.

Here's to having a "normal" life soon. :)

mrsmouthy said...

I bet when you two are back together, you'll never EVER play a game of Monopoly. The chances of going to jail in that game are just too great!